My students do lots of how to writing throughout the school year. I mentioned a bit about it here in one of my Daily 5 posts. In the post mentioned above, you can download a copy of my Summer How To Writing Book. I use the pages either individually or let the students put all of their summer themed how to writing in a book (cover included) at the end of the year. I've even used it for tutoring in the summer and with my own
If you'll be doing how to writing with your students this year, please check out my Fall How To Writing Pack. You can find it in my Tpt store and at my Teachers Notebook shop. Here is a preview.
My winter and spring themed packs will be posted as soon as I make it to that section of my list. :)
I've also been busy organizing my craft room/office. Well actually, I've mostly been moving piles from place to place, feeling totally overwhelmed and wondering why I can't seem to "finish" that room. I did paint a few shelves today. My husband is going to help me put those up tomorrow. I'm too short to get them straight and/or at a normal spot on the wall. Then, I think I'll just move everything into the hallway so I can start with a clean slate. And... I need to have it lookin' "acceptable" by 6:30 because that is when a few of my best teacher friends are coming over to see our new house. I'll try to remember to take pictures of the before/after.
I am also happy to report that I am gettin' the hang of the Twitter thing. And...I have 24 followers more than yesterday (which was 0 when I started my account). Thanks everyone!

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