11. Favorite Movie I've Watched
That is kind of funny... I don't watch many movies. I honestly can't remember one movie that I watched in 2011 other than Cars 2 (was that this year?). I know, call it what you want. It's not that I don't like movies. I don't like movie theaters...and I'm a busy, busy girl. I am going to watch The Help very soon (I hope). I just got it for Christmas from my husband. I loved the book and I can't wait to watch the movie!
10. Favorite TV Series
Does Little House on the Prairie count? I think that is about the last time I watched a series on a regular basis... I do try to watch Greys Anatomy from time to time. How sad is it that I can't even tell you if that is on anymore? Oy vey...
9. Favorite Restaurant
I actually have a few of these! My favorite is Casa Rio on the Riverwalk in San Antonio. Yum, yum, double yum! Ahhhhh.... it's just a bit of a trip from Michigan (where I live). I LOVE mexican food! La Fuentes is my favorite local mexican eatery.
8. Favorite New Thing You've Tried
Well, bloggin... of course!!! Less than a year ago, I spontaneously (which is SO not like me) made a decision to just try to make a blog one Saturday afternoon. Good Golly Miss Molly - it worked! And... with a little help from my new bloggy friends I was a real blogger!
7. Favorite Gift You Received
For my birthday this year, my husband, my daughter and my son gave me a ring with 2 aquamarine stones (which is the birthstone for all three of them). It has my daughter's name engraved on one side and my son's on the other side. I love it!
6. Favorite Thing You've Pinned
I love ribbon, pretty colors and glass jars! As soon as I saw this, I had to pin it. It almost made me buy more ribbon and a few more jars so I could make my own display. Then I remembered... oh yeah the moving thing. :) I'm dreaming of a craft room with these on a shelf in my next house.
5. Favorite Blog Post
I think my favorite post was my super spelling slipper post. Yep - those are my silky red Target dollar spot slippers in the middle. And even though I've seen this (my) picture on another blog recently claiming that it's hers (rude). It's actually mine. Wow - I've been holding that in until after Santa came. Ooops - it slipped out. I do love my super spelling slippers and so do my students.
4. Favorite Accomplishment
I can't say until next week after the closing on our house...our house has been on the market for 2 years. Me, my husband, our children and Violet (vacuum #4 in the 2 year time that our house was on the market) will be super happy that "showing mode" is OvEr! Fingers crossed... and a few prayers please since we moved in a rental yesterday (because we can't find a house to buy - imagine that?). Ughhh... so my accomplishment will be that if the house closes when it's supposed to next week (fingers crossed and lots of prayers)... I am a survivor of 2 years and 154 showings (and move #1 one in the winter to a Polly Pocket sized rental). Now you know why I haven't had time to watch movies or post lately.
3. Favorite Picture
This is one of the 407 pictures from our 15 day college roomie visit/Disney trip/Bahamas cruise adventure this summer. We had so much fun and were so proud of our kids each day on the trip... good manners, grateful, cooperative. We are truly lucky and Donavon is extremely patriotic. That explains why he appears to be saying the Pledge of Allegiance right in front of the Carnival Casino. I'm actually joking. I have no idea what he was doing... but he's still so darn cute.
2. Favorite Memory
I can't possible pick just one. That's probably against the rules... oh well.
Marissa's dance recital |
our biking trip around Mackinac Island with my parents |
Donavon's 1st day of Kindergarten (with a nervous tummy and expression) captured in a frame |
the 2011 family race to find the perfect Christmas tree |
1. Goals for 2012
find a house (with lots of character) to buy SOON
exercise more
find some patience
finish the blanket I've been knitting for 2 years
simplify everything
watch a few movies
listen (not so good at that)
stop whining about moving - after all it's part of our "plan"
figure out how to love math work stations like everyone else
find more time to work with my incredible team
reorganize (and label) my writer's workshop mentor texts
convince my principal to let me stay in 1st grade :)
I'm so grateful for all of the other teacher/bloggers who have inspired me this year! I've made lots of new friends, tried lots of new things and learned so very much. Enjoy your last day of 2011 and link up with Kristin and Hadar if you haven't already! It's been a year full of adventure.