Monday, June 2, 2014

Currently June!

Currently...many of you are experiencing summer break (and I am not).  
Oy...  2 more Mondays...I CAN DO THIS!

Here's what is going on currently...the short version so I can hurry off to school. :)

Head over to visit Farley to see what is going on with everyone else.  Thank you, Farley for hosting this party each month!


  1. Found you through the linky. I'm also hoping to do some exercise every day, so good luck with yours! I'm thinking read everyday might be more achievable for me lol!!

    Butterflying Through Teaching

  2. Yay for looping! I looped K-1st years ago and was so glad I did :)
    Good luck these last few days :)

  3. I would love to loop with my kidos! I also want to exercise every day. i use to be so good at that, but I have been a slacker lately! You are lucky They are so sweet and to see that progress would be awesome. I am a teacher assistant, so who knows what will happen.
