Wednesday, January 1, 2014

It's CURRENTLY 2014!

So excited to ring in the New Year with Farley's Currently!

Listening - What I love more than college football is having time watch it!

Loving - We had about 4 inches of snow last night are expecting about 4 more today.  It's beautiful outside and my kids are thrilled to have time to play in the fresh snow.  Frozen noses and cold giggles comin' right up!

Thinking - I was recently nominated for something (that I'm really not so qualified to win) and I'm required to write a 20 page document about myself as part of the "application".  WHAT?!?! I'm on page 4 and I'm basically out of things to say about myself.  Let me tell you getting 4 pgs was a big struggle.  I have no idea who nominated me, but I'm hoping they will stop by my house today to give me some ideas for page 5 because I'm kinda stuck.  It would be so much easier to write about someone else. 

Wanting - My OLW (one little word) for 2014 is PREVENTION.  This year, I am going to do everything I can to take care of me physically.  Because of the cancer history in my family, I've spent the last several years knowing that I would need to make some big decisions to reduce my cancer risk. My mom is an ovarian cancer survivor.   My grandmother and my great grandmother on the same side died of breast cancer.  My grandma's brother on the same side had a lump removed from his breast as well.  I've discussed the pros and cons of genetic testing, preventative surgery and hormone replacement therapy with my husband, my 10 year old daughter, my parents, my extended family, my friends, my co-workers and strangers all around town.  I've done more research than my brain can process and since I turned 40 in November, it's time to move forward with my decision.

Needing - I can not believe these words are coming out of my mouth, but I need to be more like my husband.  When our family schedule gets busy (it's always busy), I get stressed.  My husband has the ability to just roll with the craziness.  He is so right (yikes).  There is no reason to stress when the things on the schedule are mostly fun things we/our kids enjoy (soccer, dance, piano, church activities, baseball, basketball).  The schedule won't slow down, but I need to slow down to enjoy it.  That might mean I can won't double check to make sure my son packed everything in his soccer bag or that the laundry will have to wait, but I need to just slow down and enjoy this crazy life that we are blessed to live.

Memory - This year, we made one handmade gift for each family member.  I was a little freaked out that I was only half way finished knitting the 2nd mitten for my daughter on Christmas Eve morning, but it all worked out and I think we succeeded in modeling for our family the fact that gifts don't have to be expensive, but thoughtfulness is treasured.




  1. Love your NEEDING! I think we as teachers are frequently guilty of not being able to stop and take a breath due to so much that is on our plate. One breath may blow it all over...until you see the look on the children's faces. It shows us what is truly important! So slow down and enjoy the moments!

    The Polka-dotted Teacher

  2. Prevention...what a great word! I know what all I need to do to be healthier, but I tend to always focusing on making sure that my family is healthy and taken care of! I need to take care of myself. Love your blog design!

    The Extra Energetic Educator
