It took me nearly a week to recover and now I’m ready to share.
After a few snow days, the 100th day of school ended up being Valentine’s Day at my school.
We did have lots of fun and (minus several fevers and some vomiting) my students enjoyed a day filled with all kinds of special activities.
I’m pretty sure their favorite activity for 100’s day was making a picture of what they think they will look like when they turn 100 years old. They turned out so darn cute and the giggles while they worked on this project make it a “for sure doing this again” activity.
Here are a few samples. I just LOVE them!
We also did 100 exercises, 100 math problems, had a contest to see who could write their name the most times in 100 seconds (in their best 1st grade handwriting of course), made a 5 Things to Do Before I Turn 100 list and made 100 words together. We put our bucket list writing in a classbook. I'm still working on binding it. When I'm finished, I'll share about that and share the classbook page as a freebie for your files.
Here is a picture of our words (before we were all the way finished in case you are counting the words).
Then after a little bit more vomiting and a couple more fevers (I know!), the kids who were left clocked in at the mail delivery station and mailed their Valentine cards. When they were off duty, we served pink sherbert and juice for a special treat. I like sherbert because most brands are a safe “nut free” snack.
I’m working on assessments this week. I’m proud of my students and the progress they have made. I’m also looking forward to being done with these two weeks of assessment.
Time to relax (my OLW). Maybe a little knitting? Enjoy your evening!