12. Favorite Movie You Watched
This is not starting out well. I honestly do not think I've watched a movie all year. How sad is that? I'm obviously not a big movie watcher - plus Mr. Husband and I hate movie theaters. He hates all the popcorn chomping and whispering. I hate lice that is probably on the seats.
11. Favorite TV Series
Does Hoarders Buried Alive count? I LOVE that show! I don't watch much TV.
10. Favorite Restaurant
Good news here...I do eat a lot of food. My favorite restaurant is Dan's Downtown Tavern. You'll have to come to Michigan to eat there (it's a one and only). It's not fancy. I hate fancy restaurants. I like to be able to recognize my food. They serve yummy pub style food at Dan's and they know my drink order by heart.
9. Favorite New Thing I've Tried
This year, we started going to a new church. I'm not sure my family is thrilled with my decision to attend a non-Catholic church. But, we are feeling relieved to find a place where we feel welcomed and comfortable. Last year my OLW was faith... changing churches was a major leap of faith for me.
8. Favorite Gift You've Received
I have 2 favorite gifts this year...
1. Mr. Handy (husband) made me a table. I LOVE it! It's a farm style table. It fits in our new kitchen perfectly. Here is a picture...
2. Mr. Handy (husband) also made me a mantel for Christmas. We still have to stain it, but I'm already in love! He will freak out if I post pictures of the unfinished project. So, I'll post pictures when it is finished.
7. Favorite Thing You Pinned
In my next life (or sooner if the Governor keeps up with his current shenanigans), I'm going to be Goldilocks and I'm going to take a really quiet nap in a fancy bed like this one. No one is going to tap my shoulder. No one is going to say, "Mrs. Gillow, Mrs. Gillow, Mrs. Gillow". No one is going to ask me where they should put their paper when they are done. I'm just going to fluff the pillows and sleep in total silence.
6. Favorite Blog Post
I think my favorite blog post is the one about my writing anchor chart. I love how it is working in my room. My students are using it daily and I even used it as a tool to discuss writing goals with parents at conferences last month. You can click on the picture below to read the post.
5. Favorite Accomplishment
Our new house is my favorite accomplishment this year. After spending 2 years in "for sale mode", we sold in the first few days of the 2012. We got a great deal on our new house and are now able to save lots more money for college for our kids and retirement. Our friends thought we were crazy trying to sell (in this market) when we didn't really have to sell. But, these 2 teachers had a plan and we can declare our mission accomplished. We love our new home!
4. Favorite Picture
How cute are these munchkins!?!? I took this picture with my new camera (another favorite gift from Mr. Husband). Marissa (age 9) and Donavon (age 6) are my own little ones. They are really good kids and we are super proud parents. We are truly blessed!
3. Favorite Memory
My favorite memory this year was visiting Amish country in southern Ohio. I have always been fascinated by the way Amish people live. I will admit that it felt a bit like being in a time warp to visit a place that does not rely on technology like we do. At the same time, it was refreshing to have a chance to appreciate the most simple things in life. Our family learned a lot and will definitely visit again.
2. Goal for 2013
My goal for 2013 is to try really hard not to let the drama surrounding education in our state effect my health. Last year, I started clenching my teeth at night and ended up with a swollen face, numb jaw and lots of pain. I actually thought I might have a rotten tooth from consuming a disgusting amount of chocolate. The dentist laughed about that and told me to avoid stress. I will try really, really hard not to stress out about things that are out of my control. Not sure if it will work, but for the sake of my teeth I should probably try.
1. One Little Word
I officially declare my one little word...RELAX. I am honestly not very good at relaxing. It kind of feels like a waste of time to me to be honest. It makes me feel guilty. Although, I am jealous of all those people who know how to relax without feeling guilty. This year, I am going to try to relax more. I really need to. I'm going to watch a little more TV, not set my clock every Saturday, sit on the porch and read a book and watch the stars on my balcony. Maybe I'll even watch a movie or two, so I can have a favorite for 2013. :)
Relax - yep that is the word that can trigger a big fat argument if my husband says it to me. "Just relax"...blah, blah, blah. He actually doesn't say it anymore. :)
But, the truth is that I do need to relax. I'm gonna need a support group for this one. Oy...
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