Krazy Kool Summer (freebie)
I'm just now finding time to share about the last couple days of school. I'm not sure why, but I've had kind of a hard time "winding down" so far this summer. Believe me, we've been enjoying riding around town with the top off the new Jeep, get togethers with friends and days by the pool...but it just has not really settled in yet.
During the craziness of the last few days with my super nice class, I finished the class slideshow (500+ pictures) and burned a CD for each student.
To encourage writing practice over the summer, I give each student an envelope with my address and invite them to write to me. I will be doing another post about my pen pal experiences in the next few days, but here is a pic of the envelopes. I make sure I give them at least one envelope with my address already on it and a note that tells their parents about being my pen pal.
I also give my students a summer packet of work to do over the summer months. Each student takes home their packet in one of these large envelopes.
If you wish to checkout my summer packet, please click on the image below. It includes a variety of summer reading and writing practice activities (summer reading log, nouns, verbs, adjectives, writing prompts, summer poetry, informational text,etc). I send my packet home with students, but you could use this packet for tutoring as well. I also include some math work in the envelopes for my students, but the pages I give them are from one of our math programs.
And just for fun, I gave my students a fancy straw and a package of Koolaid. I was surprised to learn that most of my students had not tried Koolaid before (and alarmed when one of them tore open the package and tried to eat the powder like candy). Oops.
There are several versions of a label to go with these floating around out there, but you can click on the image below to grab a copy of my version if you need one for the future.
What a great idea! I wish I would have thought of giving them all an envelope to write me. Putting that in my bank for the end of next year.
Mrs. Laue's Littles